Provision Patent VS Permanent Patent

In today's world, where unauthorised people are quick to steal your property, patent registration is critical whenever you come up with a new and distinctive idea or product (IP). Countless people, corporations, and other entities in today's world strive to benefit via eliminating and exploiting the possessions of others. Every valid patent grants you the legislative authority to forbid anybody else from creating, using, and trading your invention outside your permission. Apart from safeguarding an IP against unauthorised use, patents registration provides customers with a variety of certain other perks, such as reputation, recognition, and so forth. However, in order to maximize the benefits of acquiring a patent, people should keep in mind a few key points, particularly the perpetual patent and, as a result, the provisional patent.

Provision Patent VS Permanent Patent

Introduction about Permanent and Provisional Patent-

Permanent Patent the patented invention is well secured with a perpetual patent.

A permanent application is a thorough description of the inventor's discovery, including a step-by-step methodology for executing it out, declarations to explain its extent, and claims to patent protection.

The property rights (IPRs) gained by a patent, in this case, indicate that no one can use the innovation without the owner's permission. And Provisional Patent That initial thing you'll notice about this part is that a provisional patent does not exist.

A provisional application, on the other hand, will be used as a starting step in obtaining interim protection before submitting a normal patent. This is a formal document that sets a premature filing deadline which allows them keep insert their idea without danger of it falling into the hands of others, as well as obtain funding to continue with patent operations.

It's crucial to highlight it until they submit a regular non-provisional application, the authority to make will not develop into an issued patent. Furthermore, when a final application asserts that the provisional application's innovation was not filed, an identical will eventually become non-patentable.


Comparison Between Both the Patents-

  • Submitting your provisional application permits one could save their discovery right once it's been generated while also allowing them to remain maintaining, expanding, then enhancing it. You can either make some other Provisional application as well as, unless you like, proceed to the permanent application once you've made adjustments. But at the other hand, after you've submitted a permanent provisional application, you won't be able to change the invention or plus a substitute material. As a result, if you've been working around an innovation but still want to protect the generated component, a required to form is a great option.

  • The cost of filing these 2 main patent categories is one of the most distinguishing features. Submitting such provisional application becomes less expensive than filing a permanent patent application, and hence looks to be advantageous for small entities such as entrepreneurs, academic institutions, even firms with 500 or less workers. Additionally, there are no legal requirements associated with filing a provisional application, which are only required in the event of serious patent registration.

  • Inventors frequently lack the financial means to protect anything they create; provisional patent application might just be a useful option for people on a tight budget.

  • Whereas provisional as well as permanent patents represent 2 distinct instruments, when utilised jointly, they can be the most effective way to protect your idea as quickly as feasible. When you prefer to file a provisional application, keep in mind that it will remain unsettled in the Patent and Trademark Office Database for only 12 months after filing.

  • The involvement of the Patent and Trademark Office Database is another feature that not only distinguishes the temporary application from the permanent one, but also makes it superior. Until and unless the inventor files a permanent application claiming the rights and freedoms of both the primacy underneath the provisional application filing, the Patent and Trademark Office Database is never involved with the temporary application. It implies you won't have to pay any extra fees to the Patent Attorneys or the office until you're ready to go on to permanent patent registration. You'll establish the groundwork for acquiring a patent with a provisional application, enhance the efficacy of patent-pending designation, plus obtain money that way.

  • In contrast to a Permanent Patent, which is issued for 20 years and cannot be granted for changes made after filing the application, a Provisional Patent is granted for one year from the date of filing the application, allowing the inventor to modify the idea.

  • A provisional patent is frequently applied for revisions to an invention, and when a year has passed, a permanent patent is frequently obtained.

  • The patentee loses exclusive rights under the Patents Act of 1970 if the provisional patent does not become a permanent patent after it expires.

  • A provisional patent is less expensive than a permanent patent. As a result, it's appropriate for individuals, small businesses, and other entities with a limited budget.

  • As a result, in order to reap the maximum pension of patenting their idea, you should file a comparable permanent application during the provisional application's 12 unsettled term. When you come up with new inventions, patent registration, which includes applying of provisional & permanent patents, is crucial as well as advantageous. Obviously, it will not be as simple as stated and will necessitate professional assistance, however the distinctions listed above can be really beneficial.



In contrast to a Permanent Patent, which is issued for twenty years and cannot be awarded for changes made after filing the application, a Provisional Patent is granted in one year to the time of submission the application, allowing the inventor to alter the idea.

The provisional patent is frequently used for improvements to an innovation, and when a year has passed, a permanent patent is frequently obtained. The cost of filing these two important patent categories is one of the most distinguishing features.

Applying a provisional application is much less expensive than filing a permanent patent application, and hence looks to be advantageous for small entities such as entrepreneurs, universities, and firms with 500 or less workers.



Written by:

Kaushiki Keshari