Discuss the provisions regarding suspension and revocation of digital signature certificate?
revocation of digital signature certificate

Section 37 Suspension of Digital Signature Certificate.-
(1) Subject to the provisions of sub-section (2), the Certifying Authority which has issued a Digital Signature Certificate may suspend such Digital Signature Certificate,-
(a) on receipt of a request to that effect from-
(i) the subscriber listed in the Digital Signature Certificate; or
(ii) any person duly authorised to act on behalf of that subscriber;
(b) if it is of opinion that the Digital Signature Certificate should be suspended in the public interest.
(2) A Digital Signature Certificate shall not be suspended for a period exceeding fifteen days unless the subscriber has been given an opportunity of being heard in the matter.
(3) On suspension of a Digital Signature Certificate under this section, the Certifying Authority shall communicate the same to the subscriber.
Section 38 Revocation of Digital Signature Certificate.-
(1) A Certifying Authority may revoke a Digital Signature Certificate issued by it-
(a) Where the subscriber or any other person authorized by him makes a request to that effect; or
(b) Upon the death of the subscriber; or
(c) Upon the dissolution of the firm or winding up of the company where the subscriber is a firm or a company.
(3) A Digital Signature Certificate shall not be revoked unless the subscriber has been given an opportunity of being heard in the matter.
(4) On revocation of a Digital Signature Certificate under this section, the Certifying Authority shall communicate the same to the subscriber.
Section 39. Notice of suspension or revocation.-
(1) Where a Digital Signature Certificate is suspended or revoked under section 37 or section 38, the Certifying Authority shall publish a notice of such suspension or revocation, as the case may be, in the repository specified in the Digital Signature Certificate for publication of such notice.
(2) Where one or more repositories are specified, the Certifying Authority shall publish notices of such suspension or revocation, as the case may be, in all such repositories.