Private Limited Company – Pros and Cons

This comprehensive article discusses the establishment of a Private Limited Company, outlining the step-by-step process, legal considerations, and the pros and cons associated with this business structure. It emphasizes the significance of legal documentation, compliance, and the overall regulatory framework governing Private Limited Companies. The pros highlighted include limited liability, separate legal entity status, credibility, access to funding, perpetual existence, control, autonomy, and potential tax benefits. On the flip side, cons such as high formation costs, increased compliance requirements, limited control, and autonomy, higher tax rates, and restricted access to capital are thoroughly explored. The conclusion emphasizes the importance of careful consideration of these factors before deciding to set up a Private Limited Company.

Private Limited Company – Pros and Cons


A private limited company sometimes referred to as a private corporation or private company, is a style of corporate organization in which the company's shares are privately held and the number of stockholders is capped at 200. As a result, the corporation is unable to sell its shares to the general public or allow for their trading on the stock market. The shareholders' responsibility in a Private Limited Corporation is constrained to the sum of money they have contributed to the business. This indicates that if the business incurs debt or is sued, its assets are not at risk. Limited by Private Small to medium-sized firms, family-owned businesses, and start-ups frequently choose corporations because they offer a flexible and affordable option to set up and run a business. They are also a well-liked choice for companies that need a lot of secrecy or control over their business operations.

Creating a Private Limited Company:

  1. Choose a Name: The first step in creating a Private Limited Company is to choose a name for the company. The name should be unique, easy to remember, and relevant to your business. You can check the availability of the name by searching the company registrar's database.
  2. Register the Company: You must submit the required paperwork to the appropriate government agency, such as India's Ministry of Corporate Affairs or the UK's Companies House, to register your private limited company. Depending on the nation, you may need to submit different documents, however, they commonly include:
  • Memorandum of Association: This document contains information on the company's name, registered office location, and primary goals.
  • Articles of Association: This document outlines the policies and procedures for managing the business, including the roles and responsibilities of the directors, shareholder rights and obligations, and meeting procedures.
  • Form INC-32: This is the incorporation application form, and it contains information on the company's directors, shareholders, registered office address, and proposed share capital.
  1. Obtain necessary licenses and permits: Depending on the nature of your business, you may need to obtain additional licenses and permits from local or national authorities before you can start trading. This may include business licenses, permits for health and safety, or environmental permits.
  2. Open a Bank Account: To manage the company's money after it has been registered, you must open a bank account in its name. The bank will require copies of the company's registration paperwork, proof of identity for the directors and shareholders, and other pertinent information.
  3. Register for Taxes: Register for any necessary taxes, such as corporation tax, value-added tax, and employer’s national insurance contributions. You may also need to obtain a tax identification number for your company.
  4. Issue Share Certificates: Every Company must provide share certificates to the shareholders reflecting their ownership in the firm after the company has been registered. The shareholder's name, the number of shares they own, and the date they were issued should all be listed on the share certificates.
  5. Maintain Statutory Records: As soon as the business is established, you must maintain accurate and current records of all financial transactions, board meetings, shareholder meetings, and other regulatory requirements. This includes submitting yearly reports, updating the company's directors' and shareholders' registration, and keeping accurate accounting records.

Pros of Private Limited Company:

  1. Limited Liability: This is because a private limited company is a different legal entity from its owners, the owners are only partially liable. As a result, the shareholders are solely accountable for the company's debts to the degree of their shareholding and their assets are kept separate from the company's assets. In the event of the company's collapse or financial troubles, this adds a layer of security for the shareholders' assets.
  2. Separate Legal Entity: A Private Limited Corporation has its own legal identity that is distinct from that of its owners because it is a distinct legal entity. This implies that the firm can act independently of its shareholders and possess property, enter into agreements, and bring or defend legal actions. As a result, the business is given legal protection and is free to function and transact business as usual.
  3. Credibility: Compared to alternative business formats like sole proprietorships or partnerships, Private Limited Companies are frequently seen as being more reliable and stable. This is a result of its legal framework, which offers a degree of expertise and dependability that may be appealing to investors, clients, and business associates.
  4. Access to Funding: Compared to other business structure types, Private Limited Companies have more access to finance sources. This is because businesses with less liability and more established legal structures frequently attract investors who are more prepared to put their money into them. Private Limited Companies can raise money through venture capital, equity financing, or bank loans, which can aid in their ability to develop and expand their businesses.
  5. Perpetual Existence: Private Limited Companies have a perpetual existence, which means that they can continue to exist even if the shareholders or directors change. This provides stability and continuity for the business, which can be attractive to investors, customers, and business partners. It also means that the company can continue to operate and conduct business even after the founders have moved on.
  6. Control and Autonomy: Private Limited Companies provide greater control and autonomy to the shareholders and directors. This means that they have the power to make decisions and manage the company's affairs, which allows for more flexibility and innovation in the company's operations. This can be especially important for companies that need to adapt quickly to changing market conditions or new technologies.
  7. Tax Benefits: Private Limited Companies can often take advantage of various tax benefits and incentives. For example, they may be eligible for lower tax rates, tax deductions for business expenses, and tax credits for research and development. This can result in significant cost savings for the company and its shareholders.

Cons of Private Limited Company:

  1. High Formation Costs: The formation process of a Private Limited Company involves legal documentation, registration with the government, and compliance with various regulations, which can be time-consuming and expensive. The costs may include legal fees, registration fees, and other associated costs, which can be a significant barrier to entry for some entrepreneurs.
  2. Greater Compliance and Reporting Requirements: Private Limited Companies are subject to greater compliance and reporting requirements than other forms of business structures. They are required to maintain proper accounting records, file annual reports and returns, and comply with various regulations and laws. This can add to the administrative burden and costs of running the business.
  3. Limited Control and Autonomy: Private Limited Companies are subject to various regulations and laws that can limit the control and autonomy of the shareholders and directors. For example, they may be required to hold regular meetings, maintain a board of directors, and obtain shareholder approval for certain decisions. This can limit the flexibility and autonomy of the business.
  4. Greater Disclosure Requirements: Private Limited Companies are required to disclose certain information to the public, including financial statements, director's reports, and auditor's reports. This can make the company's financial information and operations more transparent, which may not be desirable for some companies. This can also lead to increased scrutiny from regulators and investors.
  5. Difficulty in Terminating the Business: Private Limited Companies can be difficult to terminate, as the process of winding up the business can be complex and time-consuming. This can result in significant costs and legal fees, as well as potential liabilities for the shareholders and directors. This can also make it difficult for shareholders to exit the business or sell their shares.
  6. Higher Tax Rates: Private Limited Companies are often subject to higher tax rates than other forms of business structures, such as sole proprietorships or partnerships. This is because they are viewed as more established and profitable businesses, and are therefore subject to higher tax rates and stricter tax regulations. This can lead to higher tax liabilities for the company and its shareholders.
  7. Restrictions on Shareholders: Private Limited Companies may have restrictions on the transferability of shares or on the number of shareholders they can have. This can limit the ability of shareholders to sell their shares or attract new investors.
  8. Limited Access to Capital: Private Limited Companies may have limited access to capital, as they cannot issue shares to the general public or raise capital through public offerings. This can limit the company's ability to raise funds and grow the business.


In conclusion, a Private Limited Corporation offers several advantages, including limited liability, status as a distinct legal entity, unbroken succession, and financial access. It also has several drawbacks, such as high formation costs, increased compliance and reporting requirements, restricted shareholder rights, a lack of control and autonomy, more onerous disclosure requirements, difficulty in ending the business, higher tax rates, and restricted access to capital. Before determining whether to establish a Private Limited Company, entrepreneurs and company owners should carefully weigh these benefits and drawbacks.