What do you understand by ‘White Collar Crime”? What suggestions will you make to control it?
What do you understand by ‘White Collar Crime”? What suggestions will you make to control it?

White collar crimes are related with economic benefits. The main cause of such crime is to earn money by hook or crook.
White collar crime means crime that is committed by salaried professional workers or persons in business and that usually involves a form of financial theft or fraud.
Elements of white collar crime
1 Crime committed by reputed persons
2 They are committed during their profession or business
3 In these crimes, there is a violation of any of the criminal law
4 Intention is not need but greed
Types of White Collar Crimes
Bank Fraud:
Computer Fraud:
Tax fraud:
White Collar Crimes are rapidly increasing in our country with the advancement of commerce and technology.
Methods to control white collar crimes in India
1 Severe Punishment
There should be a strict punishment who is habitual offenders of white collar crimes. So that criminals becomes terrified and they do not step towards these crimes.
2 Clear definition
Today we do not have a proper definition of white collar crime. There should be a proper definition so that we can easily identify the white collar crime.
3 Speedy Trials
Speedy trials is also necessary for white collar crimes. Late punishment becomes meaningless.
4 Economic Punishments
There should be imposed fine along with severe punishment for these crimes so that they criminal may not dare to commit such crimes second time.
5 public Awareness
There should be public awareness programs for these crimes. A large portion of public is unaware with these crimes.
6 there should be a check over political protection
So many criminals get protection from political leaders because they donate funds to them. So no contribution and donation can be made by criminals to political parties.