We human beings have extraordinary powers of creativity. We can do whatever we want to do. We human beings can’t swim in water to travel from one country to another, so we created ships for transport in the sea. We cannot run fast like horses and cheetahs, so we created motor vehicles. We cannot fly high in the sky like an eagle, so we created airplanes.

Albert Einstein once said, “If you judge a fish by its ability to climb a tree, it will live its whole life believing that it is stupid.” You cannot judge a person’s ability or talent on common ground. Everybody is a genius in his/her own way.
We human beings have extraordinary powers of creativity. We can do whatever we want to do. We human beings can’t swim in water to travel from one country to another, so we created ships for transport in the sea. We cannot run fast like horses and cheetahs, so we created motor vehicles. We cannot fly high in the sky like an eagle, so we created airplanes.
We ourselves have no idea about the extent of our ability and talents. If we can achieve so much in the real world, why just waste our time being caged in a room and mugging up textbooks?
Whether we like to accept it or not, our education system is totally defective. It looks beyond repair. We have to demolish it and then reconstruct it all over anew.
We don’t use the same technology, car, mobile phone, watch that we were using 50 years ago. Then why are we still using the same teaching pattern that we used 50 years ago? The only thing that has changed in the classrooms is that the blackboards have been replaced by whiteboards.
‘OUR EDUCATION SYSTEM’ says study for twelve years, 18 hours a day and mug up the textbooks. After following this path, a student scores a good grade, enters a good college, and after that, the same process of mugging up repeats itself for another four years, 20 hours a day. Why? for a good job that will bring him/her money and after he/she gets a good job the student is trapped in a never-ending cycle of doing the same work every day from 9 to 7 for his/her employer.
The textbooks with which schools and colleges used to teach their students are gone outdated. These books contain principles, solutions, methods which worked in the previous century and they cannot be implemented in today’s world. Hence, to change this world, we need to upgrade our textbooks first.
Almost 99% of the textbooks we are using to teach our students have been written by men who had no practical knowledge in that field. The marketing books which we use to teach our students were written by a man who never did any marketing in his entire life. So, how can we find practical and working tips in his books? Instead of such old methods and old textbooks we should use the revolutionary works of great people. For marketing and finance, we can use the works of great entrepreneurs, such as Robert Kiyosaki, Donald Trump, etc.
We need to promote creative activities in schools and colleges. We should give students a problem, ask them to solve it, and the students who come out with the best solution should be rewarded. We should provide students with motivational and inspirational seminars right from their childhood. It will program their mind positively.
There are different types of talents and intelligence, and traditional schools sometimes ignore the creative ones. It is important for us to give kids a platform for them to find what they are good at and what they love. The arts also provide a space for newfound creativity.
-Caity Lotz
Making classrooms smart and changing textbooks are not enough. We also need to change the teachers. The teacher who is teaching marketing in a class may have never done marketing for any product in his whole life. Then how come he/she teaches us the best marketing principles? Teachers are a very important part of our education system. They are the lifeblood of the success of the students. No schools and colleges can produce smart students without the contribution of teachers. But, teaching must be a creative and practical process rather than a boring and theoretical one. Education is all about learning, and if there will be no learning, then there will be no education. The role of a teacher is to facilitate learning, to stimulate on exploration!
The principle goal of education in the schools should be creating men and women who are capable of doing new things, not simply repeating what other generations have done. – Jean Piaget
Investing in a student’s creativity is not a cost incurred rather than an investment to reap greater output.
Watch this video by Dr. Vivek Bindra on Indian Education System