Important question for legal And Constitutional history of India
The important question for legal And Constitutional history of India
1 Explain the salient features of Judicial administration in Madras Before 1726?
2 State the salient features of judicial Administration in Bombay before 1726
3 State the salient features of the charter of 1726?
4 Discuss the Administration of Justice in the Mayor’s Court established under the Charter of 1726?
5 Enumerate the provisions of regulating Act, 1773? Analyze its defects? How these defects were removed by the act of settlement
6 Discuss the main provision of the Indian Independence Act, 1947 and state its effects.
7 What do you understand by Provincial Autonomy?
8 Write a short note on the Government of India ACT, 1935
9 describe in detail the provision of the government of India act 1935
10 explain the system of Dyarchy introduced in British Provinces under the Government of India Act, 1919
11 Discuss the provision of Indian government of India act 1919
12 discuss the main provision of Indian council act 1909
13 Write a detail note on the history of appeals from Indians Courts to Privy Council in England.
14 Discuss the powers and jurisdiction of the High Courts established under the Indian High Court Act, 1861
15 Write a short note on the charter of 1833
16 What do you understand by principle of equity, justice and good conscience?
17 What do you understand by “Codification of law”
18 Explain the judicial reforms of Lord William Bentinck
19 Discuss the work of LORD CORNWALLIS in the administration of Justice?
20 Explain in brief the main provisions of the ACT of settlement of 1781
21 Discuss Warren Hastings judicial plans of 1772. State how far his reforms of 1774 were an improvement on the of the earlier plan of 1772.