International law : A Study

International law : A Study


Human life was very uncertain and chaotic before the formation of the Law. Humans recognised the importance of security and order in their lives for growth and development. Then they formed a contract with each other in the interest of the community. In this process, we have learned a lot about power-sharing, freedom, authority and most importantly human rights. Many ideologies give their perspectives and influence many but now in the modern world, most countries believe in rule of law. Law gives direction on which acts or behavior are accessible in society. Most importantly we have achieved sensitivity toward each other and fought against racism, sexism and other forms of prejudices on a very large scale and promoted peace. 

What makes International law unique?

When we normally hear the word law, it's always about the rules followed by every citizen. If not then legal authorities take a reaction against them or can face social boycotting etc. But in terms of international law, it is quite a bit different. It includes agreements, contracts, trades and customs which are followed by most countries. These laws are not directly correlated to individuals or companies. Individuals are the partial subject of international law. 


•International Organisations are created by States which cover Subjects like war atrocities, genocide and crime against humanity etc. 

•An international treaty is a binding agreement between the states and states that observe their contractual obligations. 

•To prevent any further atrocities after world war2, to sustain peace and democracy. 


International law is inspired by two dominant theories of law - natural law and positivism 

The approaches of these theories are very different from one another. so International law is inclined toward national law. 

The natural law emphasizes eternal values and principles and human rights. And positivism emphasizes the practical approach. 


Due to the formation of the International Organizations, where states got a fair chance to discuss and resolve any international disputes and especially the 3rd world countries, they get financial help and security. 

UN - United nation helps to develop friendly relations with nations and international peace. There are 193 members of the State


If we compare municipality and international law, municipality law comprises only these laws that apply to a particular territory. 

Law of the sea in international law

According to sea law, the Marine area is divided into five zones- 

internal waters 

contiguous zone

territorial sea 

exclusive economic zone

The law of the sea is important for shipping, navigation and economy etc. It is important to national security and reserves the resources which are beneficial for our environment and economy.

Russia Ukraine war and international law

Ukraine accused Russia of humanitarian law and war crimes by attacking civilians and Russia defended the attack by explaining self-defense. Russia violates International law and the UN. 


The International laws are there to ensure security and peace with the states. It has a very wide spectrum and goals for human rights and development. 


                                                                                                                         Author: Jyotiska Borah
