What are the main causes of Juvenile delinquency in India? Give suggestions for its prevention.

What are the main causes of Juvenile delinquency in India? Give suggestions for its prevention.

What are the main causes of Juvenile delinquency in India? Give suggestions for its prevention.

The crimes related to children are known as juvenile delinquency. 

We as a whole have a duty and responsibility that children should be provided and allowed to grow in a healthy and socio-cultural environment so that they become physically fit, mentally alert and morally healthy responsible citizens. The state must provide equal opportunities for the development of all children which can help to reduce inequality and ensure social justice.
Juvenile crime is not a naturally born in the boy, but it is largely due either to the spirit of adventure that is to him, to his own stupidity, or to his lack of discipline, according to the nature of the individual.

There has been 7.2% rise in juvenile crimes between 2015-16. Maximum number of cases under crime against children were reported in Uttar Pradesh, Maharashtra and Madhya Pradesh

The main causes of Juvenile Delinquency 


1 Family Atmosphere 

The type of Atmosphere a child gets in the family, he becomes like that. The family is considered as the first school of child. Parents who demonstrate a lack of respect for the law and social norms are likely to have children who think similarly. Finally, those children that display the weakest attachment to their parents and families are precisely the same juveniles who engage in inappropriate activities, including delinquent conduct.

When there are no guardians in the family then children becomes of criminal nature. 

2 Poverty 

The second cause of Juvenile Delinquency is poverty. The sense of inferiority develops sometimes among the children because of lack of money and they step towards crimes because of this inferiority. 

3 Negligence 

When the children do not get natural love in the family they get disappointed and despair and they become naughty and undisciplined.

4 Mental insanity 

Due to mental Insanity children do not possess the capacity to think their benefit or loss and good or bad. This blocks up there growth of intelligence. 

5 Obscene Literature 

Literature affects the man and his personality and thinking. When a man reads any literature his conscience and conduct becomes according to the spirit of that. When a child reads sex exciting literature, sees obscene photos and movies his conscience becomes unpurified. 

6 Cinema, Television and Internet 

Cinema, Television and internet are also responsible for juvenile delinquency. Many obscene films are shown in the cinema hall which affect the innocent child and he becomes guilty. 

Suggestion for prevention 

Now we consider the remedial Measures, Juvenile delinquency may be controlled by using the following measures. 

1 Family affection 

The first cause of juvenile delinquency is family atmosphere. So it’s the duty of the family to take care of their children and not to beat and scold them. 

2 Economic Condition 

All the adult members of the family should engage themselves in employment; avoid loans; increase income from domestic small scale work and avoid unnecessary expenditure. All these measure can check juvenile delinquency. 

3 Proper Education 

Proper education should be given to the children. They should not be kept as illiterate and should be taught to build up their character. 

4 Healthy Entertainments 

They should be shown such films and photos which may motivate them towards character building and achieving their goals. 

5 Good Literature 

Good literature must be given to children so that they can learn new things. They should be kept away from obscene literature. Bad novels and comics should not be given in their hands. 

6 Political Pollution

The children should be save from political pollution. The political leaders should not use the children for their own benefit. Children should not be used in the election. 

 7 Separate Judicial System

 There should be a separate judicial system for juvenile delinquents. 
•    Separate Juvenile courts should be set up 
•    Quick disposal of cases should be made 
•    There should be liberal system of bail 
•    There should be a system of reform in place of punishment